06 / Червень, 2022

Type of municipality: rear

Type of economic activity specific to municipality: industrial production

Priority projects ready for implementation:

- "turn-key" construction of a thermal power plant operating on solid renewable fuel with an admixture of wood chips;

- reconstruction of the district boiler house RK-6 by installing a 9 MW power plant based on MWM gas turbine generator sets;

- reconstruction of the municipal solid waste landfill in Zhytomyr city by setting up a container facility for leachate cleaning;

- reconstruction of the water treatment facility and water pumping station in Zhytomyr city.

Link to projects registered on the Dream platform

Link to the official website




Сторінку розроблено в рамках проекту
«Розробка курсу на зміцнення місцевого самоврядування в Україні» (ПУЛЬС)