08 / Жовтень, 2024

On 7 October 2024, a meeting of the Ukrainian Members of Parliament of the two Committees was held:
the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Law Enforcement and 
the Verkhovna Rada Committee on National Security, Defence and Intelligence with
the Board of the Association of Ukrainian Cities

Mayors from all regions of Ukraine drew the attention of MPs exercising parliamentary control over law enforcement, national security, defence and intelligence to the problems created by law enforcement and security agencies, including:

- mismanagement of defence structures constructed for military units and criminal investigations against local government officials for their construction;

- responsibility of municipal officials for uninterrupted heat supply to educational, healthcare and budgetary institutions, despite the decisions of electricity monopolists;

- widespread criminal investigations against local government officials for assisting military units;

- self-withdrawal of military administrations from exercising mobilisation and/or evacuation powers;

- abuse of power by officials of military administrations of localities.

Members of Parliament and mayors agreed to work jointly to ensure compliance with the law at all levels to provide the most effective assistance to the Joint Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and to provide vital services to the residents of the municipalities.

For the Ukrainian version of the article, please visit link.




Сторінку розроблено в рамках проекту
«Розробка курсу на зміцнення місцевого самоврядування в Україні» (ПУЛЬС)