08 / Червень, 2022

Type of municipality: rear

Type of economic activity specific to municipality: agricultural sector, industrial production

Priority projects ready for implementation:

- overhaul of the premises of the anesthesiology department with beds for intensive therapy of the communal enterprise "Central City Hospital of Oleksandria" of Oleksandriia City Council;

- reconstruction of the power supply system of the "District Boiler House" with the installation of the connection points of the QUANTO 1000 NG SE cogeneration unit in Oleksandriia city;

- reconstruction of the power supply system of boiler room No. 3 with the installation of the connection point of the CENTO 120 C cogeneration unit in Oleksandriia city;

- reconstruction of the power supply system of the boiler house of the Southern microdistrict, with the installation of the connection point of the cogeneration plant КЕ-MNG 260 ЕКО-ВЕ in Oleksandriia city;

- renovation of the building of the preschool educational institution (nursery-kindergarten) No. 43 of Oleksandriia City Council.

Link to projects registered on the Dream platform

Link to the official website    




Сторінку розроблено в рамках проекту
«Розробка курсу на зміцнення місцевого самоврядування в Україні» (ПУЛЬС)