08 / Червень, 2022

Type of municipality: rear

Type of economic activity specific to municipality: industrial production

Priority projects ready for implementation:

- construction of residential building in Odesa city, for persons who, in accordance with current legislation, need to improve living conditions;

- reconstruction with the introduction of energy-saving technologies of the building "B"  as part of the Municipal Clinical Hospital №10 of Odesa City Council;

- construction of a kindergarten in Odesa;

- reconstruction of the discharge channel from Khadzhibey estuary to KNS-25 in Odesa;

- reconstruction of the emergency spillway from KNS-25 to the Black Sea in Odessa;

- creation of a priority development zone on the filtration fields in Odessa city.

Link to projects registered on the Dream platform

Link to the official website  




Сторінку розроблено в рамках проекту
«Розробка курсу на зміцнення місцевого самоврядування в Україні» (ПУЛЬС)