07 / Червень, 2022

Type of municipality: deoccupied

Type of economic activity specific to municipality: agricultural sector

Priority projects ready for implementation:

- thermal modernisation of the Kulykivka settlement preschool using energy-saving technologies;

- reconstruction of the cafeteria and dining hall in the Kulykivka lyceum;

- overhaul of a basement and installation of a civil defence protective equipment in the Kulykivka lyceum;

- overhaul of the sports hall of the Kulykivka lyceum;

- overhaul of the building and creation of a motivating space in the Kulykivka lyceum.

Link to projects registered on the Dream platform

Link to the official website




Сторінку розроблено в рамках проекту
«Розробка курсу на зміцнення місцевого самоврядування в Україні» (ПУЛЬС)